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Monday, January 3, 2011

“I think a little bit of it is that we ran out of gas. I think a lot of it is that we're still a work in progress. -- and we're right on track. There's still some things that need to be done.” Bill Schreier

My best friend called me today, naturally the call was I missed it (me and my timing). Any-who...she was calling to tell me she had ran out of gas...literally, and was now sitting in the parking lot of a local movie rental watching a drug deal/threesome go down. Luckily even though I suck at answering my phone when it's necessary, her mom was able to rescue her.

Now this got me thinking, not about the fuel costs, hybrid cars, or this got me thinking about myself, and a lot of other college/high school/working people.

We run out of gas.

And I don't mean literally, I mean metaphorically...we run out of gas.

Every person, well at least I think every person, has had that moment where they have to admit that they can no longer do their everyday activities.

That person realizes they can no longer wake up at 5 am, run 2 miles, clean the house, send the kids off to school, go to work, run errands, get home in time to make dinner for the family, help with homework, finish a presentation for the next day, and then go to sleep at 12...just to do it all over again.

Or maybe that person realizes that they have written over twenty essays this semester, and they can no longer remember how to type on a keyboard, or do they ever want to.

Or maybe that person realizes they can't fill out any more scholarships for college because no matter how awesome they make themselves sound, they aren't smart enough, enriched enough, or poor enough.

Or maybe that person realizes that they can no longer fight for their country, because they have a family back home they haven't seen in three years, and they cannot deal with pulling that trigger one more time.

We run out of gas, we all get to a point where the world is too much, and a constant headache forms in the back of our skull and just. won't. go. away. Everyone experiences a moment where they just want to lay down, take a nap, and not feel that they have done so much, but have so much more to do.

All I have to say is STOP! Stop everything you are doing and lay down on the ground (really I mean this) Lay down on the ground and feel yourself become one with the world around you, close your eyes, BREATHE, realize that what you do is helping someone, whether it be you or another, realize that all of your work will pay off in the end, but most importantly realize that your well being is more important than a project.

Sometimes we need to slow down in life. Take a moment to readjust ourselves to the pressures we have weighing us down. If you've run out of gas...don't worry there is gas station in your future...and it's ok to have someone help you refuel.

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